Online appliance repair classes – Why pay when you can learn for free?

My major purpose in the role of Mr. Craigslist Hustle is to help others make extra money for whatever the reason. It saddens me when I see other individuals and companies online charging people for basic information you can find online for free. One might ask, “Well, then why are you selling your book The Craigslist Hustle and not giving it away for free?”  The information that is in my book comes from years of personal experience and techniques I have mastered buying and selling online. I pass this information down through The Craigslist Hustle heart to heart with no fluff.  The knowledge gained from this information will pay for the book dozens of times over after your first flip. I am gearing this blog more in the direction of people wanting you to pay money, sometimes hundreds of dollars,  to teach you basic stuff like “How to fix a dryer belt.” Where they doing that at!!!! ?

With YouTube and Google a person can find pretty much anything they need when it comes to repairing an item.  Unless you’re looking to become a certified repairman you should not be paying money for this type of training, especially online training. If someone is trying to charge you money for an online class teaching appliance repair, car repair, furniture repair, picture frame repair, how to screw in a light bulb, how to use a remote with one hand, how to sneeze without blinking (you get my point)…….RUN! Real talk people, there are too many free resources once you gather the basic information I teach in The Craigslist Hustle that will help you along the way. As always, if there is any type of repair you need to learn then YouTube is your go to site.  If online training is not your cup of tea you can still go to Craigslist and find people who would be willing to help you. You’ll be surprised how many people would be willing to teach you how to diagnosis and repair appliances in exchange for that old couch or TV you’re trying to sell. When cash is not an option look around your house for items you can barter in exchange for training.  

In times like these everyone needs a hustle. I’m not in the business of hustling people out of their money, and I try to help you save money when I can as well. Take time to get familiar with the product you’re flipping for profit. If you have any questions turn to YouTube and Google for free. You’re not the only person who is experiencing a dryer that won’t heat or a washer not draining. These types of problems have been happening for years and you’ll find hundreds of posts from people all around the world that will help you in fixing the problem for free. If you’re handy enough to take an online repair class for a couple of hundred dollars then surely you can take time and learn the same repair for free. Whether you’re looking to make extra income for a major purchase, go on vacation or to help your family out of a desperate situation as I was years ago, take time to consider Craigslist as an option. Feel free to checkout my webpage at and I would love to be of assistance. Craigslist hustle, let’s get it!  

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